Transform your Habit Coaching business

Whether you're a full-time habit coach or you're a personal trainer looking to track a few habits for your clients, we have you covered.
Assign weekly habits, ask for bodyweight, request progress photos, and so much more.

Habit Coaching

Automate Your Client's Fitness Journey

Take advantage of our automated client reminders & to-do lists through Westrive. No need to have to send bodyweight & photo requests every week. Let WeStrive automate it for you!

Client Automated Habits & Reminders

WeStrive calendar features

Client Automated Habits & Reminders

WeStrive makes assigning habits & surveys a breeze. You can now ask your client to complete any type of habit and actually track their weekly habit results. Beyond that, you can build custom surveys with multiple choice, 1-10 answers, and more.

More than Habit Tracking

Instead of only having your clients fill out daily habits, why not have the option for so much more? From your Client's Calendar - you can schedule weigh-ins, progress photos, fitness tests, schedule messages, and so much more. Feel free and put them on a daily, weekly, or monthly recurring schedule.

WeStrive reminders

More than Habit Tracking

Client Daily Dashboard

WeStrive Client Dashboard

Client Daily Dashboard

Every client will have their own calendar & dashboard. From the dashboard, you can track their task/habit compliance, fitness compliance, daily stats, and more.

Extra Resources for your clients

You can now use the client's Resource tab to create your own categories of recipes, warm-up routines, stretching, and general "how to" videos for your clients. You're able to create your own categories so use this section however you would like.

Client resources

More than Habit Tracking

1,000+ personal trainers and gyms are using WeStrive to grow their business...
why aren't you?

Frequently Asked Questions

What tasks can be automated on WeStrive?

As a coach on WeStrive, you can automate client weigh-in requests, fitness testing requests, progress photo requests, habit tracking, surveys, daily macros, and more.

How do my clients see the reminders and to-do lists that I send them on WeStrive?

All your client needs to do is head to the Calendar tab in the WeStrive App to see their to-do list.

How do I set up to-do list automation on WeStrive?

It’s really simple! You can head to the client's tab on From there, you can go to the Client Reminders tab to create a habit or survey. Once you’ve created those, you’ll head to your client's calendar and can start assigning daily to-do lists. You can assign macros, habits, surveys, progress photo requests, weigh-ins, fitness testing, and more.

Habit Coaching Personal Training Client Automated Reminders