Exercise Photo & Video Database

We don't expect every trainer or gym to come equipped with 500 photos & videos that they've recorded of themselves working out. That's why we provide you with over 1500 photos & videos of different exercises and then also give you the ability to upload your own!

Exercise Photo & Video Database

1500+ Full-length fitness photos and videos

Each video comes equipped with a quick example and then full breakdown of the exercise by a certified trainer. You can even upload your own exercises as well!

Full Exercise Database

Full Exercise Database

Easily input 1000's of photos and videos into your client's programs! If you want to add your own exercise photos and videos, simply just select Add Exercise from the menu bar at the top of your navigation.

Improve your client's workouts

Instead of sending your clients an Excel document or PDF, why not send them a full workout complete with photos and videos? That's what you get when you work with WeStrive!

WeStrive workout tracking

Improve your client's workouts

Add your own exercises!

Add your own exercises!

Add an unlimited amount of exercises and add them to your own custom categories! With WeStrive, you can move your entire exercise database to our app and then organize it with ease!

1,000+ personal trainers and gyms are using WeStrive to grow their business...
why aren't you?

Frequently Asked Questions

How many photos/videos do you offer on WeStrive?

WeStrive offers over 2000 photos and videos all taken by certified personal trainers from around the world.

How do clients view the videos in the WeStrive App?

While clients are working out in the WeStrive App, they’ll see a video play button. All they have to do is click that to watch the video.

Can I add my own workout videos to WeStrive?

Of course! You can easily add videos from YouTube or Vimeo through the Add Exercise section in the dropdown.

Fitness Photo and Video exercise database Fitness Photo and Video exercise database