Exercisers & Clients

The Health and Fitness Blog

WeStrive does our best to help the clients of our trainers in any way we can. Our articles will cover weightlifting recommendations, diet tips, and overall exercise advice from professionals all over the world.
Exercisers & Clients

7 of the most epic gyms in the fitness world

The fitness world boasts some truly extraordinary gyms that transcend the typical workout experience. From Venice Beach all the way to Japan, here are seven of the most epic gyms around the globe.

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Starting your strength training journey soon? A few tips for beginners

Strength training is a transformative journey that not only builds muscle and improves physical fitness but also enhances mental resilience and overall well-being. For beginners stepping into the world of strength training, it can feel daunting and overwhelming.

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Some easy steps in Nutrition advice for Enhancing Workout Performance

In the pursuit of fitness goals, whether it's building muscle, improving endurance, or shedding excess weight, proper nutrition plays a crucial role in achieving optimal workout performance. Just as a car needs fuel to run efficiently, our bodies require the right balance of nutrients to perform at their best during exercise.

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How yoga can help your physical and mental wellbeing today

In a fast-paced world filled with constant demands and distractions, finding balance and peace of mind can feel like an elusive pursuit. Enter yoga, an ancient practice that has stood the test of time as a holistic approach to nurturing both physical and mental wellbeing.

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A few tips on how to design Your Own HIIT Workout

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has revolutionized the fitness industry, offering a time-efficient and effective way to achieve various fitness goals. Whether you're looking to burn fat, build muscle, or improve cardiovascular health, creating your own HIIT routine tailored to your needs and preferences can be empowering.

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HIIT and Recovery: Balancing Intensity with Rest

In the ever-evolving landscape of fitness, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has emerged as a game-changer for those seeking efficient workouts with maximum results. With its intense bursts of activity followed by short recovery periods, HIIT promises to torch calories, boost metabolism, and improve overall fitness in a fraction of the time compared to traditional steady-state cardio.

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The Fundamentals of Functional Training: What It Is and Why It Matters

In the ever-evolving landscape of fitness, one approach has risen to prominence for its practicality, versatility, and real-world applicability: functional training. Unlike traditional gym routines that often focus on isolated muscle groups and aesthetic goals, functional training hones in on movement patterns that mimic daily activities and enhance overall functionality.

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Maximizing Fat Loss with HIIT: Strategies and Workouts

In the quest for weight loss and body transformation, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has emerged as a powerful tool for shedding excess fat and sculpting a leaner physique.

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Debunking 5 common little myths about HIIT workouts

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has gained immense popularity in the fitness world for its efficiency in burning fat, building muscle, and improving cardiovascular health.

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How to balance my macros: A Beginner's Guide to nutrition tracking

In the world of fitness and nutrition, the concept of macronutrients, or macros, plays a fundamental role in achieving health, performance, and physique goals. In this beginner's guide, we'll explore the basics of macronutrients, how to calculate your macro needs, and practical tips for balancing macros to support your fitness journey.

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Get Fit Fast: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to HIIT Workouts

In the world of fitness, one workout method has risen to prominence for its efficiency, effectiveness, and ability to torch calories in a short amount of time: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). In this article, we'll delve into the basics of HIIT, explore its benefits, and provide tips on how to get started safely and effectively.

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Incorporating Cardio into Your Daily Routine for the best benefits

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding time for exercise can often feel like an insurmountable challenge. However, prioritizing cardiovascular activities doesn't have to be overwhelming. By integrating simple yet effective strategies into your daily routine, you can enhance your heart health and overall fitness without sacrificing precious time. In this article, we'll explore practical tips for seamlessly incorporating cardiovascular activities into your everyday life, empowering you to prioritize your health and well-being.

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Cardio 101: How to start Your cardio Fitness Journey

Embarking on the path to enhance your cardiovascular health is a commendable endeavor. Whether your aim is to boost endurance, shed extra pounds, or simply feel healthier, beginning cardiovascular training might seem daunting for beginners. But worry not! With the right guidance, you can kickstart your cardiovascular journey and reap the rewards in no time.

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High-Impact vs. Low-Impact Cardio: What’s Best for me?

When it comes to improving cardiovascular health, there's no shortage of exercise options to choose from. In this article, we'll explore various forms of cardiovascular exercises and delve into their respective advantages, helping you make informed decisions about which ones best suit your fitness goals.

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Measuring Cardio Fitness: Understanding VO2 Max and Heart Rate Zones

Cardiovascular fitness, often referred to as cardiorespiratory fitness, is a cornerstone of overall health and well-being. In this informative piece, we'll explore the key metrics in cardiovascular fitness and how understanding them can help you achieve your fitness goals.

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How you can maximize Your Workout and the long term Benefits of HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has surged in popularity in the fitness world for its efficiency and effectiveness in achieving fitness goals. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercises followed by brief recovery periods, providing a challenging yet time-efficient workout. This workout methodology offers a plethora of benefits, making it a go-to choice for individuals aiming to maximize their fitness gains within a limited timeframe. Here's a comprehensive guide to understanding the benefits of HIIT and how it can elevate your workout routine.

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7 Common supplements and why they're effective for athletic performance

In the realm of athletic performance, supplements often garner attention as potential enhancers for strength, endurance, and recovery. Athletes frequently explore various supplements to optimize their performance and gain a competitive edge. However, understanding the efficacy, safety, and scientific evidence behind common supplements is crucial in making informed decisions. In this article, we'll evaluate some prevalent supplements and their purported effectiveness for athletic performance.

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A few tips on how to balance Macros for Peak athletic Performance

An athlete's journey towards peak performance is intricately linked to the balance of nutrients they consume. Among these, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats stand as the primary pillars, each playing a distinct role in supporting athletic endeavors. Understanding the interplay and optimal balance of these macronutrients is fundamental for athletes aiming to maximize their potential and achieve their goals.

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Are you new to HIIT workouts? Learn all about their benefits here

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has gained immense popularity in the fitness world for its efficiency in delivering impactful workouts in a shorter time frame. As a beginner, starting with HIIT can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. This comprehensive guide aims to introduce newcomers to the world of HIIT, offering essential information, tips, and a structured approach to kickstart a successful HIIT journey.

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Why is HIIT such a great workout and the science behind it

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has revolutionized the fitness world, gaining recognition for its efficacy in delivering impressive fitness results in a short period.

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The best foods to eat before and after workouts for optimal results

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike, the foods consumed before and after workouts are crucial elements that can significantly impact performance, recovery, and overall results. Proper nutrition tailored to pre and post-exercise periods can optimize energy levels, enhance muscle recovery, and support overall fitness goals. In this guide, we'll explore the best foods to eat before and after workouts to achieve optimal results.

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Maximize Your Fitness: Learn how to combine HIIT with Other Workouts

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has earned its reputation as an effective and time-efficient workout method, but its integration with other workout routines can significantly amplify fitness gains. Combining HIIT with various exercise modalities allows individuals to diversify their workouts, target different muscle groups, and reap comprehensive health benefits. This comprehensive guide explores the advantages of merging HIIT with other workout styles and offers insights into creating a well-rounded fitness regimen.

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Here are the crazy benefits of cardio fitness for your heart health

In an era where health-consciousness is becoming increasingly prevalent, focusing on cardiovascular fitness stands out as a cornerstone for maintaining overall well-being. The benefits of cardiovascular exercise extend far beyond mere weight management or physical appearance. Indeed, its profound impact on heart health and longevity cannot be overstated. Delving into the long-term advantages of cardiovascular fitness unveils a myriad of reasons why prioritizing a healthy heart through regular exercise is crucial for a fulfilling and healthy life.

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A full summary on the intense army combat fitness test

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is not just another fitness assessment; it's a comprehensive measurement of a soldier's physical capability, designed specifically to evaluate the functional fitness necessary for the demands of modern warfare.

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6 cool facts you should know about the army combat fitness test

If you've ever been intrigued by the fitness standards and regimen of the military, you might have come across the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). This challenging test is designed to evaluate the physical readiness and combat abilities of U.S. Army soldiers.

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Sleep: The Secret to Unlocking Optimal Muscle Growth and Overall Health

We've all heard the saying, "I'll sleep when I'm dead." But if you're serious about muscle growth, cognitive sharpness, and overall health, it's time to debunk that mindset. The significance of sleep in the realm of fitness is paramount, yet frequently overshadowed by discussions about training techniques and nutrition. Let’s dive deep into why those Zzz's are your unsung allies in the fitness journey.

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5 ways yoga styles can drastically improve overall athletic performance

In the world of sports and high-intensity training, yoga might seem like the mellow cousin, emphasizing slow movements, breathing, and meditation. However, don't be fooled by its gentle demeanor. Yoga packs a punch, offering a multitude of benefits that can drastically boost overall athletic performance. Here are five compelling ways incorporating yoga into your regimen can propel you to new athletic heights.

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Read about Common Fitness Myths like no pain, no gain

The realm of fitness is clouded with myths and misconceptions, some of which have been perpetuated for decades. From miracle weight-loss solutions to the ideal way to build muscle, let's demystify ten of the most common fitness myths.

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dehydrated: 7 ways that not drinking water can affect my everyday life

H2O. It’s simple, tasteless, and often taken for granted. Yet, water is the lifeline our body hinges upon. While most of us are aware of the importance of hydration, the full range of its impacts—particularly the repercussions of not drinking enough—might surprise many. Here are seven ways neglecting your water intake can subtly, yet profoundly, alter everyday life.

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Rest Days – Why They Matter: The science behind the need for recovery

Every fitness enthusiast, whether a beginner or a seasoned athlete, has faced the internal debate of taking a rest day. In our driven society, we often equate more with better: more exercises, more sets, more miles, more workouts. However, when it comes to training, the formula isn’t as simple as “more equals better”.

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What are the top 5 home exercise equipment heading into 2024?

As we head into 2024, the fitness industry continues to evolve, and home workouts are more popular than ever. The convenience and flexibility of exercising at home have led to a surge in demand for home exercise equipment. Whether you're building a home gym or looking for ways to enhance your workout routine, here are the top five home exercise equipment trends to watch as we enter 2024.

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Here are the top 4 Best Suspension Trainers, According to Personal Trainers

Suspension trainers have revolutionized the way we approach strength training and functional fitness. In this blog, we'll explore the top suspension trainers as recommended by personal trainers, helping you choose the right one to elevate your fitness routine.

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Top 5 best watches that athletes can use for training 2024

When it comes to training, whether you're a professional athlete or just trying to stay fit, having the right tools at your disposal can make a world of difference. One of the most important tools for tracking and optimizing your training sessions is a reliable sports watch.

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Should I train or eat different for my body type? 2023 professional guide

Achieving fitness and nutrition goals is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Your body type plays a significant role in determining how your body responds to different diets and exercise routines. By understanding your body type and customizing your diet accordingly, you can optimize your training efforts and get the results you desire.

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Help - How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Personal Trainer Online In 2023?

In the ever-evolving landscape of fitness and wellness, the concept of online personal training has gained remarkable traction. In this guide, we'll delve into the factors that influence online personal training prices, helping you understand the costs and benefits associated with this modern fitness solution.

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Here Are 5 Amazing Elliptical Workouts For Beginners 2023

For fitness beginners, embarking on a workout journey can be both exciting and daunting. The elliptical trainer is a perfect entry point into the world of cardio exercise, offering a low-impact, full-body workout that's gentle on the joints. In this guide, we'll outline a series of beginner-friendly elliptical workouts to help you get started on the right track.

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A Quick Guide On How Properly Use The Elliptical

In the realm of cardio machines, the elliptical trainer stands out as a versatile and low-impact option that provides a full-body workout. In this quick guide, we'll walk you through the steps to properly use the elliptical trainer for a satisfying and productive session.

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Help...What Are The Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer? 2023

While the digital landscape has ushered in a wave of fitness apps, online tutorials, and virtual workout classes, the irreplaceable role of a personal trainer continues to shine brightly. As we step into 2023, the benefits of hiring a personal trainer remain as relevant as ever, offering a personalized, holistic, and effective approach to achieving fitness goals.

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3 Quick Ways to Lose Water Weight Effectively in 2023

One of the common objectives is to lose weight. While sustainable weight loss requires a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes, there are times when shedding water weight quickly can be beneficial, especially for special occasions or breaking through a plateau. In this article, we'll explore three quick and effective methods to help you lose water weight in 2023.

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BMR vs. RMR - Which One To Use And Can They Help Me Accomplish My Training Goals?

When it comes to understanding our body's energy expenditure, two terms often come up: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). These measurements provide valuable insights into the number of calories our bodies burn at rest. However, there is often confusion surrounding the differences between BMR and RMR and which one to use for training goals. In this blog, we will explore BMR and RMR, decipher their distinctions, and discuss how they can contribute to achieving your training goals.

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What is Lactic Acid in Muscles and Why Does It Happen 2023

Whether you're an athlete or a fitness enthusiast, chances are you've heard of lactic acid and its association with muscle soreness and fatigue. In this blog, we will dive into the science behind lactic acid in muscles, exploring its formation, purpose, and the often-misunderstood phenomenon known as "lactic acid buildup."

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Top 7 Healthy Snacks That You Can bring to Work in 2023?

Staying healthy while working a 9-5 job can be a challenge. However, one of the easiest ways to stay on track is by packing healthy snacks to work. Not only will you be saving money, but you’ll also be fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to get through the day. Here are the top 7 healthy snacks that you can bring to work in 2023

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21 Must-Watch Fitness YouTubers of 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

YouTube has become a major platform in the fitness and health community, providing a place for instructors, clients, and enthusiasts to easily connect. Plenty of trainers have made a name for themselves as fitness YouTubers, but some have proven to be more successful on the platform than others. We’ve compiled the best female and male fitness YouTubers you should watch in 2022, but even these just scratch the surface of what you can find. You can watch these top fitness YouTubers to get started on your fitness journey, find helpful advice for your training business, or find a community.

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The Best breakdown of the Biomechanics of the bench press - 2023

The bench press is a popular exercise performed by many athletes and gym-goers worldwide. It is often used to develop upper body strength and power, particularly in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. However, to maximize the effectiveness of the bench press, it is essential to understand the biomechanics involved in this exercise.

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5 easy signs to tell you that you may have a gluten allergy

Finding out that you have a gluten allergy, or even more severely, Celiac Disease, can be extremely difficult. It requires a change of your diet and lifestyle that most aren’t willing to make. However; it is necessary to understand what’s happening in your gut. Otherwise you risk serious health problems, and in the case of Celiac Disease, it can literally cause fatal issues!

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11 great resistance band stretches for a full-body routine at home

There are plenty of tools and pieces of equipment you can use on your fitness journey. Exercise bands are a helpful fitness tool that can allow any level of athlete to do a range of stretches and movements. Resistance band stretches are a great way to work out your full body and we'll show you exactly how you can do that in this article.

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What's the most effective way to pick my Online Personal Trainer?

In recent years, online personal training has become a popular fitness option around the world, allowing people who have never hired a trainer before to get started. With such a vast space of instructors, it can be overwhelming to find the right person for you, but there are plenty of tips regarding how to choose your online personal trainer. There are also numerous ways to find them, past just looking on Google.

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The 30-20-10 Produces Impressive Results - here's how and why

In recent years interval routines have become popular in the fitness industry. Trainers have found these workouts to be effective for clients wanting to reach any number of fitness goals. You can also follow interval routines from the comfort of your own home, and still achieve impressive results.

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What is the best 30-60-90 Mixed Interval Training Workout routine

Interval training has become a popular kind of workout routine in various fitness niches over the years and is utilized by beginner and professional athletes. This kind of training has various benefits and has been shown to be extremely effective in helping people reach their fitness and health goals. Check out this article to learn more.

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The 11 Best CrossFit Podcasts in fitness for 2022

From online training courses to famous fitness YouTubers, there’s a bountiful world of knowledge out there. One popular way that professionals and experts are sharing what they know is through podcasts. Check out this article to learn about the 11 best CrossFit podcasts in fitness for 2022.

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8 Fitness Tips To Recover From A Car Accident Effectively

Car accidents are a common occurrence, and they leave thousands of people injured every single day. Some of these lead to major injuries and death, while others might lead to just a few scrapes and bruises. It can take weeks or months to recover from some injuries, and there are ways to make this recovery more effective. Certain fitness exercises and routines can help you recover more effectively from your car accident. 

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8 Types of Deadlifts and how to do them properly with great form

One of the most common workouts you’ll come across in the fitness world is deadlifts. It’s often used in even the most basic fitness routines and can benefit professionals and beginners. Check out this article to learn all about the 8 Types of Deadlifts and how to do them properly.

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How To Hire a Personal Trainer to help reach your fitness goals

If you have any health or fitness goals that you are wanting to achieve, you might want to consider hiring a personal trainer. Throughout this article, we'll cover the best ways to find a trainer and what to look for when hiring a personal trainer.

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Traditional fitness program alternatives

It is important to do the best we can to keep ourselves motivated to stay active. However, sometimes exercising can be monotonous and boring, causing us to lose interest in it. Here are some alternatives to traditional fitness programs that will help you reignite your spark and excitement for staying active.

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Should I be working out on an empty stomach? Let's breakdown the answer

Many have found themselves asking the question, “Is it okay to work out on an empty stomach?” Here are more details on some possible beneficial and harmful effects of exercising on an empty stomach.

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So what are the benefits of lap swimming as a workout?

There is a wide variety of types of exercises to try when creating a workout plan. One type to especially consider is swimming because of its numerous benefits. As a brief overview, swimming involves using the entire body to move through open water.

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What is a superset workout and why are they so amazing for growth

Do you want to minimize your time spent at the gym but still get a good workout? The addition of supersets to your fitness routine may be a good solution.

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Everyone is talking about the 75 Day hard challenge - What is 75 hard?

At the onset of Covid-19, specifically during the quarantine days, Andy Frisella created the 75 day hard challenge. This blew up on social media, specifically on TikTok with the hashtag #75Hard - but what exactly is it?

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What is Exercise Anxiety? Don't worry, you're not alone! We're here to help

Many people appreciate exercise and fitness for their health benefits, however, few people talk about the fact exercise can induce anxiety in some people. In this article, we acknowledge this and think about ways to work through this roadblock.

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How Long Should A Workout Be? Glad you asked. We have great answers.

“How long should I workout?” This is a very common question people who are new to exercising have. Seeing results can take some time, but we will go over different components that contribute to how much time you should spend working out. 

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what are high intensity workouts (HIIT)? We'll give you all the details

Talk about doing HIIT workouts is on the rise and quickly gaining popularity. Let's go over what exactly a HIIT workout involves and why it may be the workout plan for you. 

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Here's some great reasons for why you should be walking for weight loss

Walking for weight loss has many benefits, for your health and your wallet. Walking can be a mere method of transportation or an exercise plan. Read more to learn about all the benefits of going on a walk!

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Starting your fitness journey? Here are 4 things to keep in mind

Starting a fitness journey can overwhelm beginners, especially once they get into the nitty-gritty and obsess about the best ways to achieve their goals. With that said, we’ve listed some things that you should keep in mind if you’ve just started incorporating fitness into your life.

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5 ways for How to make effective fitness goals that stick

You don't need to be a superhuman to stay committed to your health and fitness goals. No matter how big or small your goal may be, whether it's the ability to run 5 miles or do 1 pushup, try out some of these tips to help keep you motivated toward that target. 

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Tips on how to do more pull-ups and why they're important for workouts

This article will teach you a few methods for increasing the number of pull-ups you're able to complete. Keep on reading for some great tips and tricks!

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5 incredible and healthy best Pre workout options for before your workouts

Do you want to up your game when working out but are skeptical of supplements? Here is a list of healthier pre-workout options you can try out!

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What's goes into a Mediterranean Diet? Learn about this tasty & healthy lifestyle

Do you want to have a healthy meal without sacrificing the taste of your food? Try the Mediterranean diet plan now for a healthier lifestyle with all the taste you need.

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What time is the best time to exercise? Read here to find out

The best time to exercise depends on your preference. You have to consider your personal health goals, schedule, and day-to-day activities. Check out this article to learn more about the best exercise for you.

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What is tabata training? Take advantage of this amazing training method

Whether you’ve been living a healthy lifestyle or just starting to work out, Tabata training is one way to workout that you may want to check out.

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What Are the 10 Most Effective Cool Down Exercises I should do?

Cooling down is just as essential as a pre-workout warm-up routine. Read more info below to find the best and most effective cool-down routines that you can add to your workout.

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Fitbit vs. Apple Watch - which one is the better option for you?

Can’t decide if you should get the Fitbit or Apple watch? Monitor your health anytime, anywhere. Find out which one suits your style and needs.

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How Much More Does Muscle Weigh Than Fat - the honest truth

So, you read online that muscle weighs more than fat. But exactly how much heavier is muscle compared to fat? Read more to find out!

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What are the top 5 Benefits of Drinking Water daily

Do you want to know how much water we have in our bodies? Or how much water do we need to stay alive? Read below to learn more about water consumption and its effects on our bodies.

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Here are the main Five Health Benefits of doing Yoga

Are you interested in yoga and how it can affect your body? Read more to find out the benefits yoga can bring to your health!

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You'll be shocked at how much healthy weight you can Lose in a Month

Are you thinking of losing weight quickly but in a healthy manner? Read more to find just how much weight you can lose in one month while still staying healthy!

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What people think the top Free Calorie Counter Apps for 2021 are

Are you looking for a way to cut some weight for free? Cut some weight with this list of What people think the top Free Calorie Counter Apps for 2021 are.

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Talking about Calories - you'll be amazed by how many are in a Pound

Are you curious about how many calories there are in a pound? Read on to find out the answer and learn more about your caloric intake.

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6 unique workouts to do when you’re stuck at home with no equipment

The WeStrive Team reached out to six of our amazing certified trainers and asked each of them to provide at-home workouts that don’t require equipment. Make sure you warm-up properly before each workout and enjoy!

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Planks vs. Crunches

The reality of both of these exercises is that they help to develop your core but are designed for different goals. We'll compare them in-depth in this article.

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Five Timing Tips To Improve Your Workouts

Here are five easy tips to personalize your workouts for faster results. New research shows us that the key to fitness success is to time your workouts in alignment with your body’s natural rhythms and current knowledge about how muscles work best.

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Metabolic Conditioning and Supersetting

Metabolic conditioning is one of the simplest ways to maximize the productivity of any workout. Learn all about it from a CSCS trainer - Davey Fisher

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Incredible 200+ Lbs Weight Loss Story

What is there to say? I mean this guy lost over 200 pounds and now competes in bodybuilding competitions. Listen to the interview here.

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The best exercises to do at home

Here's a quick guide to some amazing exercises you can do at home with just your bodyweight!

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At-Home workouts for parents with bored kids

Are you or your kids stuck at home and bored? Exercise isn't just about vanity, or even health--it's also about sanity! Working out creates a chemical reaction in your brain, stimulating endorphins and other "happy hormones."

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Start working out with the best app out there

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About the blog

The WeStrive blog for Exercisers & Clients was created to help exercisers/athletes all over the world along their fitness journey. In this section, we'll cover weightlifting tips, diet recommendations (by dietitians & nutritionists), weekly workouts, and so much more! ‍ If you work with a personal trainer and they aren't on WeStrive yet, just tell them to go and sign-up on WeStrive for a free month! You'll be able to follow their programs in our 5-star mobile app, track bodyweight progress, upload progress photos, and utilize countless other amazing tools.
Email us at Help@westriveapp.com if you have any blog requests or articles you want to see!
Exercisers & Clients - The Health and Fitness Blog